Sunday, March 20, 2011

Completion of my Moon-Phase Log

I have been keeping a moon-phase log for 6 consecutive weeks, and today, I completed it. This experience has been educationally rewarding. Actively observing the moon change shape across the sky has allowed me to better grasp the idea and concept behind the various phases of the moon, and why the moon has these various phases (the moon is rotating around the earth). I will certainly use the moon-phase log in my classrom, as I can even remember completing a moon phase log when I was in third grade. The Internet is certainly a great supplemental aid to use in case one isn't sure what phase of the moon it is or how much % it is illuminated. Students will be able to personally observe the moon change shape from waxing to waning and new moon to new moon, and be better capable and able to explain why this cycle is occuring and how. Simply making students only read about the phases of the moon (new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waning crescent, third quarter, and new moon) is not enough to help students fully understand this concept and assimilate and accomodate this information into memory.

Therefore, here is my complete moon-phase log for all to examine, and my moon-phase log/reflection posted in my pb works page. Enjoy!

In addition, here is a great educational video I found that can help students understand the phases of the moon and the cycle it undergoes.

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