Friday, April 22, 2011

The Future is an Unfamiliar Place

I recently read an article (21 Things That Will Be Obsolete By 2020) that discussed what will be obsolete from human, everyday life by 2020. It is frightening to think about all the common things we experience every day that could no longer be existent in our lives. For example, we recently do not even have to go to the library to pick up the latest book to read. We now have Kindels and Nooks, or electronic readers, that enable use to buy books on the Internet and read them on our personal readers. In my opinion, there is nothing better than reading a book and turning the page. I'd much rather have paper and a hard cover in my hand than a touch screen. The article goes on to discuss how desks, paper, computers, face-to-face parent teacher conferences, and other common things will be obsolete! Although technology and the Internet have provided us with amazing advancements and comforts in our daily lives, I believe nothing can replace face-to-face interactions. Are we going to completely eliminate the human experience? For example, this article I read in the NY Times discusses how real 3-D avatars could literally take your place in conferences, and can be controlled by you from home while you easily do something else- such as sleep! Well isn't that one big lie! To read this article on 3-D avatars, click here: 3-D Avatars

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Veronica, I think this was a great reflection and I agree with many of your views about this article. I think that you're right and there is no way that we should get rid of face to face conferencing, because I think that is a great way for parents to get to talk with their students teachers because face to face is the best communication. This was a great reflection! :)
